Defining Economic Development: Another Step in the EDC

As you know, for the last five months we’ve been working with economic development consultants Ady Voltedge on developing a strategic plan for the EDC of Wayne County. In my last blog, We’re Off and Running, I discussed Ady Voltedge’s first visit to Wayne County and what they accomplished while they were here.

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Community Engagement Builds Momentum

First I want to congratulate the City of Richmond on the recently announced Stellar Community Designation. This is great news for Richmond and the region. We are very excited about the potential this designation brings and we’re

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Positively Stellar, Positively Richmond

The benefits of being designated a Stellar Community are enormous. What an opportunity for Richmond to be able to fast track many important projects that would strengthen the central business district and provide corridors for connection to other areas, not only visible within the city of Richmond, but throughout the county and region as well. […]

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Sharing Good News

Over the last couple of weeks some really exciting things have happened for Wayne County. I want to offer my congratulations to Osborn International for receiving the Ivy Tech Community College Partner Award.

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Making Connections

The last few weeks have been hectic at the EDC. I continue to work on the economic development strategic planning process that will officially kick off after our EDC Board meeting this coming Monday, March 4th. The board will review and consider an amended EDC contract with the Wayne County Board of Commissioners that outlines […]

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2012 Finances, 2013 Planning

I attended the Wayne County Council and Commissioners workshop this week and gave an update on EDC activities as well as a summary of our 2012 finances. As part of our efforts to be more transparent, I wanted to share the same financial information with you. Below is the financial picture for 2012. Year End […]

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New Year Brings New Challenges

The holiday season was a peaceful time that allowed me to catch my breath from a very busy first month on the job. But that didn’t last much past New Year’s Day. We started the short week off with a site visit and the staff and I were preparing for our first board meeting of […]

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