Vandor Corporation Expands Investing $1.8 Million and Creating 30 New Jobs

Vandor Corporation, Inc., located at 4251 West Industries Road in Richmond, is investing $1.8 million to purchase new equipment to expand their funeral products division. The new equipment will allow the company to add a line to produce standard value hardwood caskets. As a result of the project the company will create 30 new full-time jobs. Richmond Mayor Dave Snow says, “I want to sincerely thank Vandor for their continued investment in Richmond. Our city can only thrive when these local businesses thrive. This is exactly how focusing on business retention and expansion will create more economic wins and bridge the employment gap for our city. We need to work hard so that companies like Vandor continue to invest in this community.”
To assist with the expansion the EDC of Wayne County will provide an Economic Development Income Tax grant (EDIT) of $26,000 for costs associated with the purchase and installation of the new equipment. Valerie Shaffer, president of the EDC says, “Vandor is a great company because they are always looking for opportunities to invest and grow in the community. The EDC is happy to be partnering with them as they expand their operations again.” The request for EDIT funds will now go before the Wayne County Commissioners for their consideration.
About Vandor Corporation
Established in Richmond in 1972, Vandor Corporation began production of precision die cut casket interior components. Since then Vandor has added numerous patented products that are sold in North America to both funeral and non-funeral related industries. Most recently, Vandor has more than doubled production space and added focus by dividing locally into two divisions, the Plastics Division (located at 4251 W. Industries Road) and the Funeral Products Division (located at 1620 Rich Road) which consists of the Starmark Brand, a leading supplier of cremation products, as well as Vision Casket branded caskets.