
Indiana has one of the lightest tax burdens in the United States.   Click here to compare the cost of doing business in other Midwestern states. pdf

Indiana State Taxes

Excluded Taxes in Indiana

  • Gross Receipts Tax
  • Inventory Tax
  • Inheritance Tax
Corporate Income Tax

The corporate Adjusted Gross Income Tax is calculated at a flat 7 percent of adjusted gross income. Adjusted gross income is a company’s federal adjusted gross income with certain adjustments. This method of determination simplifies tax calculations for corporations and does not apply to S corporations and not-for-profit organizations. The rate is being reduced on a scheduled decline until it reaches 4.9% in July 2021.

Single-Sales Factor

Indiana is phasing in the single-sales factor for apportioning corporate income tax. Indiana had determined its share of an interstate or international corporation’s taxable income by weighing the Indiana portion of a company’s property and the proportion of its employees in Indiana. The single-sales factor will calculate the Indiana portion based solely on the portion of a company’s sales in Indiana.

Sales and Use Tax

Indiana’s Sales and Use Tax is tax is calculated at a rate of 7 percent. In manufacturing, the following are exempt from the sales tax: raw materials, equipment, power, electricity, and utilities. Wholesale sales, items used directly in production, and sales made in interstate commerce are exempt. In addition, the purchase of research and development equipment is exempt from the tax.

Individual Income Tax

Indiana’s personal income tax is 3.15 percent of federal adjusted gross income (with certain exemptions and deductions).

Patent Income Exemption

Taxpayers are exempt from certain income derived from qualified utility and plant patents.  Qualified taxpayers are eligible for an exemption of 50 percent of patent income for each of the first five years. The exemption percentage decreases over the next five years to 10 percent in the tenth year.  The total amount of exemptions claimed by a taxpayer may not exceed $5 million per year. This benefit is available only to companies with 500 or fewer employees.


Feel free to visit the Indiana Economic Development Corporations website at for more information.

Click here to learn more about taxes, credits, and exemptions in Indiana.

Local Taxes

Property Tax

Real and personal property tax is assessed at 100 percent of market value. Tax rates and exemptions vary among local jurisdictions, with key areas averaging 3.2866 percent tax-rate.

Key Jurisdictional Tax Rates for 2024, Payable 2025
County ID # State ID # Tax District
03 04 Center Township
04 05 Center Township – Sanitary 2.9664
10 15 Jackson Township
11 20 Jefferson Township 2.2419
17 32 Webster Township 2.3490
19 16 Cambridge City Town 4.0477
26 21 Hagerstown Town 3.9105
29 30 Richmond 4.0268
32 34 Richmond – Webster Twp. 4.2654
34 06 Richmond – Center 4.4972

Visit the Wayne County, IN Government page for a complete list of all districts and rates.

County Adjusted Gross Income Tax (CAGIT)

The CAGIT takes 1% of adjusted gross personal income (not imposed on corporations), deducted by employer, collected by state and reimbursed to county.

County Economic Development Income Tax (CEDIT)

CEDIT takes 0.25% of adjusted gross personal income which is used for economic development projects in Wayne County.